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ErinoakKids appointment schedulers are your main contacts for appointments at ErinoakKids. They will call you to book appointments as indicated by your child's clinicians.

*New!* Starting January 27, 2025, appointment notifications and reminders will be sent by text message. Text notifications will replace appointment letters. The service will be opt out. If you do not have a text enabled phone number, you will receive an automated voice message.

Cancelling or Rescheduling an Appointment

Severe Weather Procedures

Could Not Contact

Infection Control

Opting out of Notifications/Reminders

Preparing for a Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) Appointment

Preparing for an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Appointment


Cancelling or Rescheduling an Appointment

Please provide us with as much advance notice as possible when you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, this will give us the opportunity to offer the time to another client or family. Text notifications will include instructions on how to get in touch if an appointment needs to be rescheduled. 

If visits are missed without advanced notice, we may need to review your child's service plan, missing appointments without calling to cancel could result in your child being discharged from that service. 

Clinical Services

If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment for a Clinical service, please call 905-855-2690 or 1-877-374-6625 and press 3, or follow the instructions from your child’s clinician. Please leave a detailed message with your child’s name, date of birth, and appointment date and time.

Saturday Appointments

If you have to cancel a Saturday appointment on the day of your appointment, or are running late for a Saturday appointment, please call reception at
905-855-2690 and press 0.

Autism Services

If you need to cancel an appointment with Autism Services, please use the ErinoakKids Autism Services Absence line at 905-855- 2690 ext. 2920. 

If no one is available to take your call, please leave the following information on the voicemail :

  1.        Your name
  2.        Your child’s first and last name
  3.        Your clinician’s name
  4.        The reason your child is absent

If you know of an upcoming absence prior to the day of your child’s session, please contact your child's Clinical Supervisor directly.


Severe Weather Procedures

On occasion, severe weather will impact our ability to safely open our sites. In the event of severe weather conditions, ErinoakKids sites will close if the local school board closes. For example, the Mississauga site will close if schools in Peel are closed, or the Halton/Oakville site will close if schools in Halton are closed.

School boardAssociated ErinoakKids sites
  • Mississauga
  • Brampton
  • Halton/Oakville
  • Orangeville

We will post closures on our website by 7:30 a.m. and record a message on our phone lines. Where possible, families with appointments will receive a phone call or text message to inform them of a cancelled appointment. 

There are also situations where we may close a site during business hours as weather conditions worsen.

When an ErinoakKids site is closed, no in-person appointments, workshops or classes will be held. 

In all situations, the safety of clients, families, staff and volunteers is our priority.


Could Not Contact

We understand that things can come up suddenly and/or unexpectedly. Our team will make an effort to contact the family in the event of late or missed appointments where we do not hear from the family.

However, if our team has been unsuccessful with multiple attempts in contacting a family regarding appointments or services, services may be discharged. This is to ensure that we can maximize clinical resources. 

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Opting out of Notifications and Reminders

Text message reminders will include an option to opt out by replying 'STOP', you will receive an automated voice message for any future appointments. 

If you would like to opt out of voice messages for appointment notifications, please call our Scheduling team at 905-855-2690, option 3. You will receive appointment letters by mail and/or receive a phone call to book appointments. 


Preparing for an Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Appointment

  1. Your baby needs to sleep through the appointment, so please do not let them sleep in the hours before the appointment or in the car on the way. 
  2. Please do not put any oil or lotion on the baby's head or behind their ears on the day of the test.
  3. It is best if your baby is hungry at the start of the appointment so you can feed him/her and put him/her to sleep while the audiologist prepares the baby for the hearing testing.
  4. Please do not bring other young children or siblings to the appointment, you will participate in the testing and will not be able to care for other children during this time. 
  5. Please bring extra diapers with you.

The appointment will likely last one to two hours, but it may not be possible to complete the testing in one appointment if the child does not eat and then sleep when the audiologist is ready to start. The test does not hurt, and we will not be shaving the baby’s hair.  You will be informed of the results of the test during your visit.
