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Intake Services and Referrals

Health professionals, families and clients can contact Intake Services, where all referrals to ErinoakKids services are co-ordinated.

ErinoakKids Intake is open for your calls Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Call 905-855-2690 (toll free 1-877-374-6625 ) and press 1

Fax number: 905-855-9451

Referrals may be completed through this link:

Online Referral Form


Referral Criteria

Infant Hearing Screening

Baby is between 0 – 2 months of age and did not receive a hearing screening at birth

Hearing screening at birth indicated the baby should be referred to a community newborn hearing screening clinic

Baby is a permanent resident of the province of Ontario, living in the regions of Halton, Peel, Waterloo, Guelph-Wellington, or Dufferin

Infant Hearing ServicesChildren from birth to 6 years with permanent hearing impairment
Live in Central West Region of Ontario
Medical Services

Children 0-18 years with physical or developmental delay or disability (Does NOT include children with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disability (LD) or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) for either assessment or follow up). 

Live in Peel, Halton or Dufferin
Occupational TherapyChildren from birth to 19 years with physical or developmental delay/ disability requiring therapy to improve upper limb function or ability to perform activities of daily living. Does not include children with a primary diagnosis of ADHD, LD or DCD assessment/follow up.
Live in Peel, Halton or Dufferin
Physiotherapy Children from birth to 19 years with physical or developmental delay/ disability requiring therapy to improve gross motor function. Does not include children with a primary diagnosis of ADHD, LD or DCD assessment/follow up.
Live in Peel, Halton or Dufferin
Preschool Speech and LanguageChildren from birth to June 30 of the year they enter junior kindergarten (JK) with speech and/or language problems.

Referrals for Preschool Speech and Language Services will be accepted up to June 30 of the year the child is eligible to enter JK. If a child previously received speech and language services at ErinoakKids or any Ontario Preschool Speech and Language program, the child can be referred to the program again, up until April 1 of the year that they are about to enter JK.

*New* The average wait time for Preschool Speech and Language Services in 2025 is less than three months from referral. Please complete the online Communications Check Up.

Live in Peel, Halton or Dufferin
Vision ServicesChildren from birth to 6 years with documented visual impairment
Live in Central West Region of Ontario
Assistive Devices Resource Service (ADRS)

There are three types of referrals available for ADRS: 

Face-To-Face Communication – for clients who cannot communicate clearly with speech alone.

Writing Aids – for clients who have difficulty with handwriting or straight forward typing.

Adapted Access – for clients who are not able to use their fingers to point to or push buttons, including buttons to access computers, face-to-face communication devices or power wheelchair controls.

Please see the ADRS page for more information.