July 15, 2024. Please note, Special Services at Home (SSAH) payments have been delayed due to a technical problem with the issuing bank. They will be processed as soon as possible once the issue has been corrected, we apologize for any inconvenience.  

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Stories of Impact 

Thanks to the donations we receive, ErinoakKids is able to support everything from therapeutic programming and equipment to providing the best client-centred care for our children and families at each of our sites.

Want to share your story? Please reach out to us at communications@erinoakkids.ca

This is what some of the families who have received services from ErinoakKids have to say.  


“We are just so grateful to the clinic... The staff there always make Audrey laugh before her procedures... Without the Botox, I don’t think Audrey would be able to walk...”

— April, mother of Audrey 

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“Thank you ErinoakKids for being such a wonderful service provider for the last 6 months for myself and Aiden as we’ve both benefited tremendously... ”

— Anesa, mother of Aiden

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“...as the mother of a physically challenged daughter, I continuously witnessed and experienced the outstanding care and service provided by ErinoakKids... ”

Jane Fraser, mother, donor 

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“It’s amazing to know ErinoakKids means they have a place where they can bring their child and know that they’re going to be taken care of.”

Karen Brannon, mother of Sandy, donor  

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“Jahleesa has responded well... and her daily development and growth... has transformed our concerns about her future into excitement at all the possibilities.”

— Audley Stephenson, father of Jahleesa 

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“When we first meet our babies we dream of greatness for them. Great deeds, great happiness, great accomplishments, great lives. By the time we arrived at ErinoakKids these dreams were shattered.”

Gillian Raymond, mother of Maya

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“As the mother of three young children I can see the value in all of these services and what they can mean to a family and that is why I choose to donate.”

— Karmjit, monthly donor

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“Without ErinoakKids, my family would still be wondering what our next move or option would be for Emma. The amazing staff... have also guided us every step of our special journey. ”

— Brian and Judy Lo, parents of Emma

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Your donation will help us continue to deliver exceptional care and support for children with disabilities. We wouldn't be where we are today without your kind and generous support!