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Overnight/Weekly Respite Programs

Overnight/Weekly Respite is available at our Regional Respite Centre in Brampton for three different groups: Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent (MFTD)Non-MFTD and 18+. Each group has its own eligibility criteria and referral process.

If you require assistance, or have any questions related to accessing respite services, please contact Respite Administration at 905-855-2690 ext. 2273


Overnight/Weekly respite sessions include:

  • Weekend stay (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)
  • Weeklong stay (Sunday evening to the following Sunday afternoon) 


Weekend stay: $225, due on booking
Weeklong stay: $500, due on booking


Important note: If your family member has a tracheostomy or an antibiotic resistant organism such as MRSA, VRE, or c-difficile, please contact Respite Administration at 905-855-2690 ext. 2273 before submitting a referral form.

Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent (MFTD)

respite workers attend to two children lying in bed

Eligibility Criteria:

Children aged 0 to 18 identified by a Home and Community Support Services care coordinator as qualifying for Enhanced Respite Funding, living at home in Ontario. 

Referral Process:

  1.  Download the MFTD Respite Referral Form PDF
  2.  Fill out the form and save it to your computer
  3.  Submit the MFTD Respite Referral Form by uploading the form here
  4.  For first time referrals, please complete the Pre-Admission Form and submit with the referral form.  This form needs to be completed before referrals can be fully processed.

Non Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent (Non MFTD)

a respite worker and a child read a book

Eligibility Criteria: 

Children aged 0 to 18 living at home in Ontario with significant physical, developmental or neurological disabilities, including the presence of challenging behaviour. 

Referral Process:

  1.  Download the Non MFTD Respite Referral Form PDF
  2.  Fill out the form and save it to your computer
  3.  Submit the Non MFTD Respite Referral Form by uploading the form here
  4.  For first time referrals, please complete the Pre-Admission Form and submit with the referral form.  This form needs to be completed before referrals can be fully processed.


A respite worker helps a youth in a power wheelchair with a fine motor activity

Eligibility Criteria: 

Adults 18+ with significant physical and developmental disabilities requiring nursing supports; living at home in Ontario. 

Update February 6, 2025: 18+ Respite at ErinoakKids is in high demand, and we are currently fully booked through to June 2025. This service is not funded by government, so we depend on the support of generous donors in our community.

We are currently exploring opportunities to continue to provide this critical, unfunded service and hope to have more information soon. If you have a respite stay booked between January and June 2025, there is no change to your reservation and we look forward to welcoming you. 

If you are interested in learning more about supporting ErinoakKids, please visit

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