July 15, 2024. Please note, Special Services at Home (SSAH) payments have been delayed due to a technical problem with the issuing bank. They will be processed as soon as possible once the issue has been corrected, we apologize for any inconvenience.  

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Audrey's Story

For the first four years of her life, Audrey experienced pain in her legs. Almost every night, Audrey would call out for her Mom and tell her that her legs felt stiff, and that they would not stop spasming. 

“We finally took her to a doctor who referred her to the Botox Clinic,” says April, Audrey’s Mom. “They told us she would need 16 needles per session, so it would be best to sedate Audrey during the process.” 

The Trillium Health Partners Paedeatric Sedated Botox Clinic allows children and youth with Cerebral Palsy (CP) access to life-changing Botox procedures while being sedated. 

“One needle is scary enough, let alone 16 of them. She would not be able to manage the amount of shots per procedure without sedation. And besides, being able to sedate Audrey during her sessions makes sure she doesn’t remember the pain or the needles. It would be really traumatic for her.”

Audrey has been receiving Botox at the THP Paedeatric Sedated Botox Clinic since March of 2022. Since then, Audrey has begun using her walker by herself. She can even walk flat, without standing on her tip-toes. 

For a child with CP, this is a huge milestone. 

“Right now, she can stand and walk by herself in her little walker,” April says. “She is more stable when she stands, too. She would not be as independent as she is today if it weren’t for access to her Botox procedures at THP.”

With the help of the injections, Audrey can live with less strain and discomfort in her legs. She can now stand, walk and play.

“We are just so grateful to the clinic,” says April. “The staff there always make Audrey laugh before her procedures, and calm her down so much. Without the Botox, I don’t think Audrey would be able to walk, not even with just her braces alone.”

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