July 15, 2024. Please note, Special Services at Home (SSAH) payments have been delayed due to a technical problem with the issuing bank. They will be processed as soon as possible once the issue has been corrected, we apologize for any inconvenience.  

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Reach For It! Program 

'Reach For It!’ is a recreational program designed specifically for children and youth with FASD, for the sole purpose of creating/building positive relationships with law enforcement and first responders, including: police, fire fighters and/or paramedics. 

Having law enforcement individuals (in uniform) interact in a positive manner with children with FASD allows for a concrete visual to create a positive connection with law enforcement.

Program Vision

A program where children, youth and families living with FASD experience success and recognize their strengths.

History of ‘Reach For It!’

  • ‘Reach For It’ was created in 2012 when a mother of child with FASD was looking for a role model for her son in Waterloo 
  • ‘Reach For It’ is a program involving recreation, education and mentorship for children and youth living with FASD
  • Police officers (and first responders) are the mentors
  • Over the years this program has grown to include over 47 police officers
  • The program has been offered for free with ‘in kind’ donations through the community

What sets the ‘Reach For It!’ Program a part from other outreach programs?

  • ‘Reach For It!’ is the first program designed specifically for individuals with FASD
  • Attendees are matched with 1:1 volunteer from law enforcement
  • Each volunteer has undergone FASD training and approaches each attendee and activity with a FASD informed lens
  • Each event is adapted for success of an individual with FASD, including things such as: visual schedules, reducing environmental stimuli and 1:1 support
  • Attendees are invited to take part in any of the activities at their own pace, with minimal expectations on completion of the task


If you're interested in the Reach For It! program and would like more information, please contact Rexella Dwomoh.

Rexella Dwomoh