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Reach For It! Program 

'Reach For It!’ is a recreational program designed specifically for children and youth with FASD, for the sole purpose of creating/building positive relationships with law enforcement and first responders, including: police, fire fighters and/or paramedics. 

Having law enforcement individuals (in uniform) interact in a positive manner with children with FASD allows for a concrete visual to create a positive connection with law enforcement.

Program Vision

A program where children, youth and families living with FASD experience success and recognize their strengths.

History of ‘Reach For It!’

  • ‘Reach For It’ was created in 2012 when a mother of child with FASD was looking for a role model for her son in Waterloo 
  • ‘Reach For It’ is a program involving recreation, education and mentorship for children and youth living with FASD
  • Police officers (and first responders) are the mentors
  • Over the years this program has grown to include over 47 police officers
  • The program has been offered for free with ‘in kind’ donations through the community

What sets the ‘Reach For It!’ Program a part from other outreach programs?

  • ‘Reach For It!’ is the first program designed specifically for individuals with FASD
  • Attendees are matched with 1:1 volunteer from law enforcement
  • Each volunteer has undergone FASD training and approaches each attendee and activity with a FASD informed lens
  • Each event is adapted for success of an individual with FASD, including things such as: visual schedules, reducing environmental stimuli and 1:1 support
  • Attendees are invited to take part in any of the activities at their own pace, with minimal expectations on completion of the task