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Government & Other Funding

There are a number of different funding options you may be eligible for from different levels of government and other organizations for families of children with special needs. With so many options, it may be difficult to determine which funding is right for you and your child/youth so ErinoakKids’ Service Navigators have created this webpage as a resource to help make this process easier.

Please review the content below to learn about funding requirements, applications, and more. If you still have questions, please contact the resources listed at the bottom of the page.

Disability Tax Credit (DTC)

The DTC is a non-refundable tax credit that helps reduce the amount of income tax disabled persons or their caretakers may have to pay. 

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is a long-term savings plan to help Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future. 

Special Services at Home (SSAH)

This is a developmental and/or respite program. Parents and guardians set goals for their children. The program helps families pay for services in or outside the family home (as long as the child is not receiving support from a residential program)

Enhanced Respite Funding

Home and Community Care Support Services (formerly known as the Local integrated Health Network), in conjunction with the Ministry of Children Community and Social Services, assesses Medically Fragile and/or Technology Dependent (MFTD) individuals under 18 years of age for eligibility for enhanced respite funding. 

Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)

The ACSD program provides financial assistance to parents to help with the extraordinary costs related to their child’s severe disability. 

Easter Seals Incontinence Grant Program

This program is for children and youth between the ages of 3 to 18 years with chronic disabilities (physical or developmental) that result in irreversible incontinence or retention problems lasting longer than six months and requiring the use of incontinence supplies. 

Easter Seals Access 2 Entertainment

The Access 2 Card program helps to ensure that entertainment, cultural and recreational opportunities are more available and accessible to all.


Children and youth with autism spectrum disorder can register for the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), which which enables them to apply for funding to purchase eligible services and supportsVisit the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' OAP website for full details on the program. 

To learn more about Autism Services offered through ErinoakKids, please visit the Autism Services page on our website or call 905-855-2690 (toll free 1-877-374-6625) and press 4.

Respite funding/supports are coordinated through one of the following agencies in the regions of Peel and Halton. In order to be eligible for respite funding children do require a diagnosis of a developmental disability.

Brampton, Caledon Community Living (BCCL)

BCCL provides support to families living in the Brampton or Caledon catchment area. BCCL provides out-of-home respite initiatives that provide relief for families caring for a family member with a developmental disability. 


Community Living Mississauga (CLM)

CLM provides respite funding for children with special needs living in the Mississauga catchment area. CLM offers a number of programs and services for children and youth designed to provide them the opportunity to participate in community activities alongside their non-disabled peers.

 Halton Support Services (HSS)

HSS provides coordinated intake for Central West Specialized Developmental Services (CWSDS) in Halton Region. HSS provides short-term relief to families/caregivers with children who are developmentally and/or physically disabled and living in the family home.

If you have a child in daycare, please contact the Resource Consultant. To determine the resource consultant for your region, click here.

If you have a Service Coordinator in the community, please contact them.

If you are receiving services through ErinoakKids, please speak with your Clinician (Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech Language Pathologist, etc.)
