July 15, 2024. Please note, Special Services at Home (SSAH) payments have been delayed due to a technical problem with the issuing bank. They will be processed as soon as possible once the issue has been corrected, we apologize for any inconvenience.  

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OT Handouts for Teachers: Universal Design for Learning Modules

The John McGivney Children’s Centre was provincially funded to create Universal Design for Learning modules to be shared with all Children's Treatment Centres as a universal resource for families and educators to support various areas of development. 

Fine Motor

Kids' hands doing crafts at a table

Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. We use fine motor skills to perform tasks, like writing, using scissors, getting dressed, etc., that are important for school, work and everyday life.  

In-Hand Manipulation

Finger Isolation

Pre-Cutting Skills (Learning to Use Scissors)

Development of Cutting

Crossing Midline

Video: Finger Control & In-Hand Manipulation

Video: Cutting Development

Video: Pre-Printing Skill

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Visual Perception

a teacher and child are doing a matching activity

Visual perception skills help us obtain and organize visual information around us and interpret what is seen. Visual perception skills are essential for reading, writing and orienting letters and words properly.

Visual Memory

Visual Closure

Visual Figure-Ground

Visual Sequential Memory

Visual Form Constancy

Visual Spatial Relations

Visual Discrimination

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Visual Motor

An adult uses hand over hand with a child to help with practicing writing

Visual motor integration refers to the ability to translate a visual into a motor action. In other words, it involves the coordination of visual perception skills and fine motor control, allowing us to use our eyes and hands together to perform tasks like copying letters, copying patterns, catching a ball, etc.

Visual Motor Development in the Classroom

Letter & Number Formations

Journal Strategies for Pre-Printers

Written Work Modifications

Printing Lines

Pencil Grips

Alternative Pencil Grips

Weighted Pencils

Heavy Pencil Pressure

Light Pencil Pressure


Draw these Lines

Draw these Shapes

Copy these Drawings

Drawing Challenge

Video: Pencil Grasp

Video: Printing

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a sensory corner in a classroom with colourful mats, beanbag chairs, and other toys

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behaviour and reactions and includes being able to regulate one's reaction to strong emotions, calm down, focus on a task, control impulses, etc.

Vestibular System

Proprioceptive System

Self-Regulation Strategies in the Classroom

Integrating Movement in the Classroom

Heavy Work Suggestions for the Classroom

Core Strength

Air Cushions

Body Socks

Rocker Seats

Wobble Stools

Weighted Animals & Lap Pads

Weighted Vests

Compression Vests

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Preparing for School

an array of school tools like scissors, markers, paintbrushes, rulers, and more

Here are some helpful tips to optimize your kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2 classroom setup.

Setting Up a Kindergarten Classroom

Setting Up a Grade 1 Classroom

Setting Up a Grade 2 Classroom

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bathroom stalls with one stall open revealing a toilet

Children's independence in daily self-care is important. It empowers them, gives them responsibility and fosters confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Button Skills

Zipper Skills

Shoelace Tying Skills

Toilet Training

Wiping after Toileting

Feeding Tips for Babies 6-12 months

Feeding your Baby: Moving from purees to table food textures

Drinking from an Open Cup

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